Thursday, September 12, 2019

Read Me

Read Me
Read me like a book you can’t put down
Read me like a book you want to be found
Read me like a book whose pages have become unbound
Read me like a book whose torn and frayed with wear
Read me like a book that you don’t care who knows that you love it
Read me like a book you’ll always love
Read me like a book you want to read when you're old and crippled with age
Read me like a book that you’ll love forever
Read me like a book and I’ll love you
Read me like a book
You're a book I’d like to read
You're a book I really need
You're a book I’d do anything for
So just come give me a read.

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Real Meat

Real Meat

Real meat
Is dead
It's dead
What you are putting
Into your mouth
Once had a face
Once had a life
Now it’s just empty calories that never had a chance at a life
At truly existing
It's in your head now
Nothing left to be said
Cause real meat is dead
So, go eat a veggie burger instead.

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Radiant magistrate

Radiant magistrate
Radiant magistrate
Oh, please tell me the fate
Of the poor boy down the street
Who never has enough to eat
Isn’t there anything that you can do?
Hasn’t he suffered enough by your impermanent jurisdiction,
Caused by your utter lack of belief that any implication in helping those below you
Is simply something you cannot do.

Monday, September 9, 2019

Resist Marriage

Resist Marriage

Resist marriage
As long as you can
It’s a mortgage and kids and a spouse you can’t stand
Yes, that’s what I am saying man
It is just a piece of paper
That’s a prison of the mind
Where people get trapped for decades at a time
And when marriage spits you out
There’s nothing you can do about the gaping hole that’s left within you
Resist marriage as long as you can
So you can truly live as a human.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

Rotten Muck

Rotten Muck

Griselda Drew
Just stepped into a heaping pile of doodoo
It’s Stuck on her shoe
What will she do?
Her brand new boots
Are now covered in muck
No wonder she screamed out “Yuck”
Her mother simply rolled her eyes
And yelled as she cried “Griselda Drew WHAT DID YOU DO!?”
Then her mother quickly added “they’ll be no dinner for you and most likely a spanking as well”
Poor, poor Griselda Drew and all because she stepped in poo
So, please dear children don't be like Griselda Drew
And watch where you walk 
So you don't end up like poor, poor Griselda Drew.

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Runny Makeup

Runny Makeup

The heat is getting to me
It is more than I can bear
It's barely believable that anyone can stand it at all
So, I just stare blankly at the sun
Hoping the good times I'll have without the sun beating down on me
Are soon to begin
But it ruined my perfect makeup look
That took hours to perfect
From that famous Instagram superstar
Who people don't tend to forget
Due to her outrageously perfect makeup routine
That even the stars envy
She makes makeup look like a form of art 
That you would find on a wall in a great museum
Not like the one hanging down your hall
This heat is unbearable
I really can’t take it anymore
I think I might need to move to somewhere in the arctic circle
Or some other place where glaciers are present
And polar bears roam around the place
And there's nothing but vast, empty open space
More importantly though I won’t have runny makeup.

Friday, September 6, 2019

라즈베리 막걸리

라즈베리 막걸리

라즈베리 막걸리

나는 ~을 원한다

산딸기가 계절에있을때
신선하고 슈퍼 달콤한

라즈베리 막걸리를 먹고 싶습니다
과일이 달콤 할 때
그런 대접이 될 것입니다!

Thursday, September 5, 2019

Rainbow Magician

Rainbow Magician

Rainbow magician

Show me you
The real you
That you don't show others to.
Rainbow magician
Pulled me through
A side of myself
I never knew.
Rainbow magician
Your spell is fleeting
Yet the sadness keeps on repeating
Bring the rainbows
I once knew
From a time
Where I was once like you
Brand new.

Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Ruined Majesty

Ruined Majesty

Ruined majesty

In all its splendid tragedy
Bows right before me sadly
Humbled on crumpled knee
Solemnly creeping towards
Some imaginary relief
Behind me
Yet it is not there
No matter how hard one stares
Wishing, wanting, and waiting for
Something to be there
For someone to care
Still they don't
The man waits silently
Until the day that the crumbled facade
Won't fade away into barren, remorseless desert landscape.

Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Ruby Macaw

Ruby Macaw

Ruby macaw brilliantly flashes its feathers at me
Flickering them so vividly it reminds one of a señoritas skirt
Flirting with anyone whom catches a look
At the beauty inherent in flamenco
Ruby Macaw you are so pretty
It makes me nauseated to think
How endangered your species must be
And all because you are too pretty
Maybe you should tone it down
Maybe you should change your vibrant red feathers brown
Maybe that would save you from the terrible fate of being stuck behind an iron gate
For the rest of your lingering existence
Just because you are too pretty.


Monday, September 2, 2019

Real Macabre

Real Macabre

Death humbles all

Into the ground below
Where the grass doesn't grow
And bugs crawl real slow
Into you grave
Shallow and dingy
Rotten and repugnant
Real macabre
An appalling thought
But, death gives you a chance
After all, life is a dance
And you only have one chance
So, dance, dance, dance
Death is the beginning of the end
Now you must choose
How you will live
Not only for yourself
You must also think of future generations
Even those from other nations
You can go to the underworld weeping and wailing
Or you can decide to keep on prevailing
Till the end of your ailing days.


Sunday, September 1, 2019

Runny Mayonnaise

Runny Mayonnaise

Runny Mayonnaise
Slips from my bread
Onto the head of my little dead ped
It splishes and sploshes
And splashed my new coat
That I recently stole from my
New friend goat
My new friend goat
Gave it to me under the tropical
Goat gum chewing tree
They gave it to me you see you see
All under the goat gum chewing tree
It made me hoot
It made me holler
I think it even made me taller
And all because of runny mayonnaise.